we have all been sick for going on a month now ...all of us except tough guy Randy have been on antibiotics...I can not even begin to say how much I am ready for summer and warm weather and hoping our immuntities are getting nice and strong for Rylan to start 1st grade this fall..because if we don't he is going to miss a lot of school days...right now he only goes 2 and sometimes 3 days a week and has missed a ungodly number of days :-( ..I called and made a appintment for his doctor tomarrow but then canceled it he dosent really act sick, just still runny nose and junky cough so will wait a few more days and see whats going on..he finished up his antibioti s yesterday and is better than he was when he started but still not well well....Andrew is having a yucky plugged nose and I had the sinus pressue and headache with no stuffy nose but bad sore throat and terrible cough...
mss kitty is our new stray and has finally gotten to the point that we (Rylan and I) can pet her..she is so sweet it makes me sad that she was just dumped off out here in timbuck to to fend for herself ...I will buy a bag of catfood and keep my fingrs crossed that she has been fixed, in she hasn't then I will take her to be fixed after she has kittens...I told her no pooping in my flowers or gardens I hope she listens... I dislike poop so much lol....
I Love Photography! by The Pioneer Woman
12 years ago
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