Thursday my 1 lb of redworms arrived I got their little home all ready for them and stuck them out on the back deck these are my facebook posts from today..stay tuned for tomorrow I am hoping after a night in the house they will look a little healthy..if not I just may have to order another batch and not put them outside at least till the weather is warmer ..this is something I have been wanting to do for a couple of years ...So yay me another thing checked off my bucket list :-) now let just hope I dont have to spend $30 more dollars to finish my dream ..
My worms are not looking so perky today :-( they are moving but not so fat and plump like I think they should be ...I made another worm bin and moved some into it ...I hope that the freeze last night didn't affect all of them I have no idea what their living conditions were where I bought them from maybe they lived in a 20 room heated mansion..
I brought my worms in for the night... it feels like it going to be really cold hoping they look perkier in the morning ...Good Lord I thought these things were going to be easy just toss em in a bucket throw in some vegi scraps ...but no it like a new baby in the house or something I think about them all dang day ...are they warm enough,wet enough ,do they like the carrots I peeled for them ...yes I think I am officially losing my marbles
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