Monday, May 21, 2012

maybe a answer for my butt/ back/leg pains

yes the old butt/back/leg feeling like I am sitting on a golfball pains could COULD be getting a answer on May 31st...I went to the proctologist doctor today like I told him "you look at butts all day " so maybe you can help me figue out why why why I am in so much pain all the time ...I explained my issue and he went to work with one of my most unpleasent tasks I don't like ..the rectal exam ...he felt something that don't feel right ..he didn't use the word mass or wnything but said it did not feel like cancer but it didn't feel right to him,  so he has scheduled me for a MRI of my coccyx and a colonoscopy so he can see what he can at this point only feel ..of course I couldn't think of any questions ...he said something else about something he could see that didn't look quite right but I can't remember what it was I know I know I should of asked more so I could google this stuff while I am waiting for my appointments ...he did bring up my barretts esophagus but I can't remember I am wondering if my intestines are doing weird cell changes like my esophagus did ...
    in a way I am worried but in another way I am not ...I am at the point of feeling like I just want answers to why I have so much pain and why I can't sit on hard chairs because of the golfball lump feeling ...I want to know I am not just a sissy lala, lazy person :-( there are so many things I would love to do but phycicaly I am.just not able I hate living this way ..its no fun and I know it weighs heavy on Randy and my kids ..I am not the wife and mommy I want to be and that makes me sad ....sad for them and sad for me :-( I hate it I really do.....
so keep praying I get a answer obviously your prayers work better own because this doc suggested these tests on his own.... didn't look at me like I am a nut case....didn't  tell me to lose weight and do more exercize ...I have already tried all those things they don't work for me..
  on a good note I am down about 70 lbs the weight is just falling off of me these days ...

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