Monday, March 21, 2016

Found more water damage and another leak under our floor Toxic Black Mold

The water damage in our house is much worse than we thought ...the mold remediators are there doing more testing and the whole floor from our bathroom, clear to the dining room is wet from another water leak we didn't even know was there ..I am not sure the leak has even been found yet ...I need to call Randy and get a update ..My most important advice to everyone is when your gut tells you something is wrong, very wrong, follow your instincts...I pray we will get our health back 100% ...I am so glad I left that house as if it was on fire... it was a very hard thing for me to do, just up and tell Randy we were leaving and I would not come back till we found the problem ...I was tired of seeing my kids and me sick all the time....... something was wrong and turns out I was right ...Now I need to look back on my blog and see if my illness started when the water heater leaked and we had it fixed... I know it was around that time ...and that been since 2008 or 2009 ...

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