Thursday, April 7, 2011

One week Post op again...

Here I am again 1 week 1 day post op for my shoulder surgery and I am feeling pretty good Thank goodness I have pain pills from my rhumey doc because one of the pills the NP lady from the doc office was/is crap crap crap... Thank Goodness Randy told the surgern at the hospitial the morning of surgery that the pain pill they gave me were not as good as the ones I have been taking and he gave me some percocets those lasted about 5 days .. I go back on monday to get my stitches out and to see what I am able to do as far as movements..My stitches feel like fishing line I never realised stitches felt like that before.. This house need a good deep cleaning and I want to buy curtians I am still using the ugly ones that came with the house, well only the sliding glass door. I used to have lace ones up,but Rylan was pulling on them so I took them down, can't wait to start decorating the house. but will only use money that I have saved up, no more credit card use from me..Randy and Andrew are awesome with helping me out with the dishes and sweeping the floors and the laundry ...Rylan is good about not asking too much of me I am a very blessed woman indeed and and can't wait to spoil my family a bit with home cooked dinners made from scratch again and all the neat things that moms like to do for a family :-)
Oh and I dreamed about the house in town again last night I dream about that place alot it was spring time and I had a cherry tree with cherrys on it Bruno was there he and Rylan went out of the fence and gave me a heart attack others who were in my dream Cory, Anita, Jessica M, and my brother James and Andrew :-)

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