Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hyperextended lungs..

** EDIT Feb 2016 We found Black mold in our home Stachey and Aspugillus and some others I believe this is the cause of  illness in my family so am updating my labels to include Toxic Black mold please check out my blog here to follow as our story continues *****

               Rylan has been having some breathing problems for the past month ..I took him to the docs about a month ago i thought he had swimmers ear from snorkeling int he bathtub he kept doing a wierd yawn thing... doc said his ears looked fine but his nasal passage was a swallowen and he probably had a virus and it could take a couple of months to clear up and thats probably what the problem was So I made a appointment for his 5 year old bday well child check up and she would see how he was doing then...The next day he woke with a fever so I figured ok it is a virus and he was sick so he was sick about a week with green boogies and cough then styarted to get better but then got sick with a cough and he was still doing the wierd yawn thing some days it was really aweful and Randy was very worried and I was too he honestly looks like his breathing problem was like what I have been going through so I took him back to the docs on last tuesday or was it monday well one of those days ..I told his ped how concerned Randy and I were about his breathing still andf how he had got sick got better and then got sick and his breathing was just getting worse ...she had him get a xray to rule out pnemonia and put him on a rescue inhailer...the results of the x-ray were no pnemnomania but his lungs are hyperextended so she is pretty sure he has asthma the resuce inhailer was not helping much so he is now on a steroid inhailer as well she said it may take a couple of weeks to start working and to call if he gets worse so thats whats up ...we are tearing out all our carpeting and getting rid of our clothlike furniture and getting something that is a little more suedelike Randy and I both had shiney type material but if we have to do that and get covers to wash once a week then thats what we will do..
We are also going ot be making a call to have someone comeout and get the dead roadent out of out heater vent ughh and I read up on asthma and it says to use raideant heat I think thats like our Mr heater buddy I am thinking about maybe going with wall heaters that run along the floorboards as the site said a furnace like we have now is not the best to use because it blows the dust around the room. Since we already live on a dirt road we really have to try some extra changes that those who do not live on a paved road may not need to do...If these changes do not work we will sell our propertie and move we love our property so are really hoping these chnages will help ..there is obviously a problem since both Rylan and I are now sick in this way.. I am just so thankful that Rylan has an answer and I didn't have to try and convince the doc that there is a problem, like I have had to do on my self........ I can tell by looking at him that what ever is wrong with me is also wrong with him at least as far as our breathing goes...
People who don't live my life with my children with my and there health issues have no clue what things are like here and if I was to leave any advise for my grandchildren and great grandchildren it would be to listen to your own head and your own heart ..when it comes to there care and well being you can't told by others what you should do follow your heart stand your ground... a word of advise from my own mother is if someone dosen't make you feel good about your self then distance yourself from them and surround yourself with those who do make you feel good about yourself !!!

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