Monday, April 25, 2011

I have new appliances

Yeah me I love Love love them all Maytags i loved the maytag commercials from long agao ..where the maytag repair guy didn't have anything to do all day last washer-dryer set were whirlpools, the washer still works but the dryer is what died...... They have done on average 2 loads a day everyday for about 13-14 years..
wow thats pretty amazing and considering the first 2years for the washer were while it sat out in a leantoo on our front porch,it was time to go though, it smelled like old towels and is starting to rust I tried cleaning it, bleaching it but nothing took the smell out I often wondered if a sock or something has gotten all wrapped up around the center swoosher thing.. it was definantly time to go when the dryer died ..
My friend takes them to the recycle place and earns her living that way maybe she willl do that or maybe she can fix them and sell them, what ever the case it will help her and her family out so that makes me feel good !!
I am really starting to feel better my arm is still a bit sore but so so much better. I can't wait to start getting my house in order again .its been a hard few years, but we have made it through ...
People who have never been chronicly ill will never understand how devestating it is.. {{on the sick person and the whole family}} the worry,the stress, the expencive medications ,the medical procedures ,surgerys ,dealing with the bills wondering if you are ever going ot get well. Then there is the nsurance company to deal with while your sick,trying to cook family meals while #1 you can't swallow them #2 you vomit them back up in your sleep 3# cutting veggies and grating cheese with a arm that hurts so bad you feel like chewing it off daily...... the pain was so so severe...... I am not sure anyone understands how utterly discouraged I was getting about my health and think I was exagerating :-( I can tell you for sure I was NOT ...
A person like me learns who cares, who is a friend and who would like to give you a extra kick while your down sadly enough it really does happen.. when you have lived in the circumstances that I have lived through you see it all... and I let NOBODY kick me when I am down and just let it slide I can take some, but I will not tolerate anyone telling me how to raise my child the one I almost died giving birth to, the one who I would die if it meant he would have a chance to live.. my child MY SON mine and Randys who I may add is a awesome Father ..on 60m minutes Elton John was on this past Sunday and he was talking about how he was always terrified of his father when he was a child and that now he has a child he never wants his child to feel that fear from him ..Well thats how we feel about Rylan and how I want Mindi and Andrew and Casey to feel about Randy and me, we love these kids and want them to always feel good about seeing us even if I am mad or he is mad I want the love to come through first and formost...
I wish my trust and faith in people hadn't been tested so many times ..Is it this way for every one ? or just me ? I am pretty easy going and laid back, so I guess that means people think I won't mind ..well you know what, "I do mind, I mind alot" and "it hurts me alot" ...but such as life, I shall move forward, I guess this just means its time for a new chapter..
I am thankful for the caring support that I had but maybe its just time for me to focus on things around my home.. I am feeling better so I am able to focus on my yard and going back to work with Andrew... we are going to join the YMCA and Rylan is going to take swim lessons and Andrew and I water arobics ....

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