Friday, June 24, 2011

Withdrawls Take 3 OMG

So I am down to three quarters of one loratab pill a day now taken in 2 doses... If I could get rid of this tooth pain I think I would be ok to just quit right now, but I have to go to a wedding for a friend of Randys for work tomorrow I need to get through that then I am done I have no appointments or test until Wednesday with my sleep doctor for the sleap apnea then the rhuematoligist about my fibro and lupus I am goign to express to him my desire to be off the loratabs and see how I am feeling with just the cymbalta and plaquinil I really haven't been off of the pain meds in about a year I really wish I could of gotten my shoulder fixed instaead of taking 3 steroid shots and 6months of pretty severe pain although my should has been hurting for what 2 or 3 years before that oh well its fixed now I have gone back to taking ibroprofins I am not sure they are good for my stomach but there is not the stigma of narcotics to live with I have been living on ibuprofen for 5 years since Rylan was born so its not as if I just am taking the loratabs for the high I have been in so much pain for years that I have had to take pills just not the narcotics..I have heard tylonal arthritis is pretty good so I am going to pick some of that up when I get to town..My hope is that since I have withdrawn from the loratabs so slowly this time I won't have much in the way of withdrawals and maybe maybe hopefully now that my sleep apnea is under control,my arm is fixed I am on medication for my lupus {{which has made a HUGE difference as far as the burning I get on my face}} I am on cymbalta for my fibro, I have had my horrible acid reflux fixed with the nissen surgery, my root canal( I think my newest pain is just an crown adjustment issue)ok is there more yes I am a inhailer that seems to work pretty well,I am on zanaxx for anxiety which I plan on getting off soon as I am over the loratab withdrawls, then I am going to try and get off of the ambien after the zanaxx...It has been a really long long hard 2 years trying to get well I am just hopeful that I am almost there it has not been easy to have a very active 3 year old and be as sick and in pain as I was honeslty I had been feeling really bad since before he was born and I just thought I was being a wuss and didn't want to spend any money on my health I thought it was all in my head and the doctors would think I was just looking for drugs and actually my surgeon did make me feel that way when I went in for my 6 week appointment and others thought I was just over reacting ughhh its going to take me a while to get recovered from all this and losing my brother right in the middle of it ((Losing Billy I will never get over)) Its going to take me a while to get back together and get back to doing normal people things like shop and cook and clean and live life really makes me teary eyed to think of all I was planning when Rylan was born and how little I have actually been able to accomplish but I am getting there !!! I have 3 quarter peices of a loratabs left.. so Sunday or tomorrow will be my quit day this is my third time trying ..Please God let it be easy for me and let me be in less pain than when I started.. I want my normal life back

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