Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Need to blog more ..I know !!!


well I had to get back on my pain meds the pain when I am off is just awful and unbearable for me..I am also starting a new lupus med so wish me luck that it will work for me if this one dosen't then we will move on to the next drug...I will stay on the meds I am on now and the new one will just be added to what I am now taking ..I must say I am feeling better back on my pain meds I mean who wouldn't after being in pain every single day and night never ending ..I feel more like me when I am not in pain so for now this is just the way it has to be ..
we went to spaulding pond for the 4th of July and home for the night so no fireworks watching for us Randy has to get up early for work so we decieded we will take what we have to the coast and do them there this summer ...I know I havn't added pictures for a while so I am going to add some now
Rylan enjoying a cherry from our cherry tree ..Cherrys remind me of Wyatt and my tree is really doing well this year

My Grandma Gladys stayed for the weekened and I painted our fingernails
This is how Andrew decieded to enjoy the beach till I talked him into moving to the shade with me

The picture just doesn't do justice to how beautiful the mountians are here I am really glad I live in a place with so much beauty even though I complain about the cold in the wintertime LOL

Rylan loves the water and had a fun time swimming he is getting ot be a pretty goiod dog paddler

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