Saturday, January 7, 2012

pic from yesterday

I missed making a post ...darn so soon in the year too

This kitty has been hanging around daily for the past month or so and she looks exactly like my grandmas kitty named Mrs.Kitty I went with my grandma to have mrs kitty put to sleep about a year ago well it was summmer I dont remember exactly when it was but maybe the summer before last Mrs Kitty had gotten very ill so we went and all said goodbye to her together Mindi Andrew Rylan Me and my Grandma anyways this kitty is always here now dont know where she came from or if she even is a she she is very fat and fluffy but also very hungry all the time too..I will get a better picture of her with my big camera soon ..I did take one the other day but had forgot to format my memory card so none of the pictures actually took ...

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