Thursday, March 1, 2012

dry heave vomit episode again..

** EDIT Feb 2016 We found Black mold in our home Stachey and Aspugillus and some others I believe this is the cause of  illness in my family so am updating my labels to include Toxic Black mold *****woke up at 5am felt fine went back to sleep till 8:30am then and had sharp pains behind my belly button took a zofran and within 5 minutes I had the tingly spit building in the back of my throat..ended up in the bathroom dryheaving with the most awful sound ( something like a woman giving birth)  lasted long enough for Rylan who was in the kitchen to run and tell Andrew to call 911 by this time it had eased up so I told them to hold off on calling 911 and I laid on the couch exhausted for about a half  hour... rylan was so sweet brought me a puke bag..I also  really needed a diaper cause no vomit ever actually comes out but urine does.  there is so much pressure you just can't imagine...I do use the puke bags for spit  It builds up in my mouth when this happens...what brings this on I have no idea.... its always completely out of the blue and sudden,when it happens.
     After that it was a nice day out so I went and weeded a flower bed and dug some of my bulbs that had already bloomed they are very pretty little flowers and I want them closer to the house where I can see them when they bloom, right now they were out in one of my what I call nursery beds....if any of the ones in the pots bloom.again I will post a pic or if not I will.see if I can find pics that I took of them last year or the year before...

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