Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Just hanging out

spent the day cleaning (dusting , washing curtains and removing cobwebs) in my bedroom.whew it really needed it..I think I had posted about I paper that had laid on my floor in front of the bookshelve since December 2010 that I picked up in the last couple of weeks ...well its the paperwork from my brother Billy's funeral ..prices of different services and such.
     well at the time I put it on top of my tv and today I moved it into the office. I was not sure where to put it in there so I put it in a box of photos ..after thinking about it a while I think I am going to put it in Wyatt,Tegan and Taylors baby memorial book ..I feel like that's a good choice..
   Tomorrow I will be taking my Dad to the hospital for a test to look at his heart he will be put to sleep for the procedure ..I am hoping it comes back A ok ..we shall see....

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