Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day 2011

Its been a busy week here at living creekside.... my Grandma has been staying here and we love having her, she gets a bit confused and Rylan doesn't know what to think about that...... I just try to explain that its much easier to agree with what she is saying like when she asks him 10 times a day if he loves her, if he just tells her he loves her back the first time it can make things go much easier...
I went to the dentist yesterday and had a root canal and it was a breeze I am hopeful this takes care of my ongoing dental issues ! I really like my dentist he said he could see how my tooth would get inflamed then try to heal itself and in his opinion this has probably been going on since I had the filling done ...I am thinking it was probably back when I was a teenager or younger ... Oh and he had me show the receptionist what great teeth I have and how healty my gums look I like to brush and floss my teeth and it shows ...remember when I went to the gastro and seen the first nurse practitioner (who said I just needed to lose weight and exercise to start feeling better well she complimented me on my teeth too LOL funny I may not be the prettiest or best body or even strait teeth but my care of them does get commented on that makes me feel good !!
Randy is off playing paintball with friends from work then he and Rylan are going to go to a barb q My plan is to lay in bed and watch tv ...

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