Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Finally, My toenail Meds..

***EDIT  I believe we had been suffering from Toxic black mold  I found out in Feb 2016 ****

I think I mentioned it before..
Something is wrong with my toenail, its ugly and has been since my stomach surgery... I picked up a fungus in the hospitial ughhh yuck
I finally remembered to tell my NP and she was able to prescribe fungus meds but it was at the sametime I had a sinus infection so she said to wait till I was done with antibiotics ...and I needed to get a liver test first to make sure my liver function is good so I went and got my blood drawn today its the first time I have felt well enought to do it .. I had told the NP at my follow up after my surgery he looked at me like I had 3 heads and said maybe I had bumped it :-/
My tooth I had the temp crown on is still very sensitive, so I am 99% sure I am going to need a root canal yeah me, NOT !! ...
Andrew had his hearing tested today and its fine I guess his loud talking is just a habit and I am going to have to continue to tell him he needs to use his indoor voice..... He is a very loud talker and I was thinking maybe its because he couldn't hear..

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