Monday, June 6, 2011

Felt pretty good past 2 days

I am back on my meds so that helps but I am think it much also have to with my cycle and have decied to add my gyno doc to my pot of docs I mean its not like I don't need to go in and get my yearly done its been 2 years...Look like I had this thought back in may as well..I am going to ask him to check my hormones and see whats up with them I am a pretty regular girl never had any female problems except a abnormal pap about 25 years ago but I am in my 40 when things can start changing so I want to see what my work up will look like ..
I just know the debilating pain and stiffness were not so bad today.. I was able to clean both bathrooms wash the sheets of the bed make dinner and load the dishwasher and spend a hour or two up on the dirt road watching Rylan ride his bike sans training wheels ..he is really getting big and grown up he wreaked once on the bike and didn't cry and then fell during a foot rase with the neighbor kid he wanted to cry I could see it in his face but he didn't he just jumpped around a bit then announced that he was OK ....Me well my heart was broken I can't stand to see my baby ok big BOY in pain I feel it for him ....
Mindi came out to visit and brought him a nerf gun and then proceded to shoot him in the face first shot ughh so I had to explain to my 28 year old daughter we don't point guns at the face !!! lol Rylan wasn't hurt but got a unintended lesson on why we don't point guns at people ....I hate guns myself even before Billy shot himself I don't like touching them or anything one of the reasons in becasue I always seem to inavertently point them in the wrong direction so I think its just better for me to not hold real guns..
I am glad Rylan also likes balls and his bike I feel those are nice hobbies for him ..

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