Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Grandma is Passing

My Grandma came to visit for a couple of days 2 weeks ago this Tuesday she walked herself out to my car ... she had a TIA stroke on Wednesday and is now passing away.. its been a very difficult week almost two... I am so very blessed to have her in my care..... I am short on time but will copy and paste my facebook entry's and you can get a idea of what its been like ..

OK partys are over pics are loaded grandma is in bed now I am off to convince the future night trauma surgeon that he really does need sleep and we are off to bed :-)

July 17 at 10:52pm • Privacy: • •

Me : He actually said the words " I am ready for bed now" and yes he is not feeling well his tummy aches he says poor little guy too much fun with cousins and tommy the past few days he is not used to all the excitement! !

July 17 at 11:34pm •

friend hope he's doing better now

Me :sitting in the living room listening to alan jackson precious memories with my grandma *tears* she is laying on the couch...

friend ‎(((HUGS)))

July 18 at 7:00am •

friend Such a good moment..

My grandma was finally able to speak and sit up for a while this afternoon...I tell you this morning was hard the nurse said it can go up and down like this for a while, right now she is in bed resting ...thanks for all prayers and positive thoughts
Soo tired my eyes are burning! !!! Need sleep, hope its a restful night !!!

July 18 at 5:28pm via Android • Privacy: • •

Charlie Hickerson Remember what I said about not turning the offers from friends to help, if only to sit while Grandma & you nap. You have to try takeing care of yourself also, as stress & fatigue can make you sick.

July 18 at 6:03pm •

ME: Yes I remember my mom came today and will come tomatrow today was bad day for grandma and the nurse and bath lady came so was not able to nap with all the action.... tomarrow I do plan on napping and tonight I am hitting the hay early matter of fact I am in bed now :-)

Oh kayyyy I know I whine a lot so here goes again my legs hurt. !!! Got a lot of exercise this past few days and now I need to get grandma up so I can take here bed apart ...I may just have the hospitial bed put in the office decisions desciins if anybody is bored and wants to help take a bed apart let me know

July 19 at 7:02am via Android • Privacy: • •

MEHelp is on the way thank god for family! !

July 19 at 8:17am • • 3 people

AggieWish I could come help!

July 19 at 9:12am •

Me I know it waoyld be awesome if you were here aggie... I was in a real pickle I needed a bed for my grandma to sleep in last night but the hospitial bed people don't take the old bed down for you....I was so exhaused last night and in so much pain this morning I was thinking I could just do it myself I forget that I have practicly been a invalid the past 2 years myself :-/

July 19 at 9:45am •

Aggie You are healing!!! You'll get better! I hiked a mountain last weekend! :D

Me: I am back in bed John came to the rescue and my mom will been here and relieve him ...I am so glad to do this for my Grandma just wasn't expecting her to go downhill so quick ...keep praying the peacefull passing prayers

July 19 at 9:47am via Android • Privacy: • •

Shari our prayers are with you all. The shower was very nice.

July 19 at 10:33am •

Me Thanks Shari it was so good seeing you .. did you see the pictures I posted?
My new niece who is wiccan refers to the next place as summerland and I love that cause my Grandma is always so cold now she is warmer but for years she has always said feel my hands they are so cold ....

July 19 at 9:49am via Android • Privacy: • •

Agatha We are big believers in wicca/buddhist here. It comforts me so much.:)

July 19 at 10:44am •

ME : My niece in law has really taught me a lot she is a very caring girl :-) I love you Aggie! !

I have a fovor to ask of my local friends... I need some old hyms / christen music cds I can borrow to play foy my grandma I only have one that has the old hyms on it so if you have some I could borrow to play for my grandma I would appreshiate it so much my mom or mindi could meet you or if you can bring them to my house a prayer would be answered for us thank you

July 19 at 8:52pm via Android • Privacy: • •

ME : Also any oldtimy music would be good she loves the krrm music station but we can't get radio down in yhis gulch

July 19 at 9:26pm •

Aggie: Make a Pandora account on your computer. You can stream any kind of music you want for free! You can also get Pandora on your blu-ray or roku device that you stream tv from netflix on. :)

July 20 at 2:44am • • 1 person

ME: Oh great idea I have it on my phone and didn't even think of that...

July 20 at 8:27am •

ME :Omg aggie I put on the pandora and her favorite song came on first she was sat up and was ready to jump out of bed i don't know why she just said my favororite song and jumped up well sitting jumped up wow this from a woman. Who can barly talk ..

So thankful for hospice I usually end up calling everyday already had to call them this morning they are soo wonderful

July 20 at 9:17am via Android • Privacy: • •


Charlie: Hospice is a great help with patient & family, plus continues to check back after their need is done. Day or night their as close as the phone or will come with aid, advise & to help console .

July 20 at 9:32am • • 1 person

Virginia : I've heard really really good things about them...Just so sorry you have to find that out 1st hand but glad they are there to help you....hugs

July 20 at 9:33am via

Jayme we had a good experence with them

July 20 at 9:56am •

ME: This is our second experiance with hospice when we took care of randys grandma with his mom they were awesome then wish is that I never haveto learn how awesome they are with people under 80 years old ....

July 20 at 8:56pm • • 1 person

Joanna: Been there.. its much harder but still awesome
Sitting with my grandma listening to music its such a blessing having her here and being able to say and do all the things I never got to do with Billy ...I wonder who is here with us, my babies,my niece. Korina,Billy, her Mom her Dad...... I feel the veil is opened right now! !!!
Laura: This is a real Blessing LaDawn, one you will always hold dear to your heart ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))
Thursday at 2:02pm • • 1 person
Heather : My thoughs and prayers are with u at this time.
Thursday at 2:14pm •
Shari: I wish I could be there with all of you right now, so sorry we have to work the Britt tonight, just got home from a seminar. Will see you tomorrow. love to Gladys
Thursday at 2:47pm •
Virginia: It can't be easy watching someone you love & hold dear to your heart wither away but the time you are getting to spend with her is a blessing you will hold close to your heart for the rest of your days... Have you sat her down with a video recorder or tape recorder and had her tell you stories of her childhood & growing up ... when my Grandfather passed his wife gave me a cassette tape that his mom (my great Grandmother) had made for him that he hadnt yet been able to listen to all of yet there were I think 6 kids & she made a tape for each of them... basically just telling tales that she remembered of each of the children while growing up its one of my most treasured things ... to have her voice talking to my grandfather talking about the old days ..... not sure if shes up to something like that & wish I had done that with my grandfather but I was just too young to know to pay attention when he told stories about his youth ..........
Thursday at 2:51pm •
ME: My mom and i and my grandma did do a cassette talking about family history a few years ago so i have that and some videos i have done while she has been here during the past month off and on ....i wasn't sure how i would do it wasn't planned for her to be here at least we on earth didn't make these plans, she was only going to visit for a couple of nights....but i am so so happy she is here she is so peaceful and its just such a good feeling in my soul to be with her right now i dont know how to describe it other than it feels like heaven has entered my home she is going with such grace and dignaty, no pain thanks to mr morphine and mrs adivan.... its just beautiful. I know that sounds wierd but if you were here you would feel it too, my mom is here and sge feels it as well....
Thursday at 3:04pm • • 2 people
ME: I am so glad you have that tape of memories i need to do that with randys mom and my mom....
Thursday at 3:06pm • • 1 person
ME: Shari we look forward to seeing you tomarrow
Thursday at 3:22pm •
Michelle : With all the grief you have suffered through this will hopefully help you see the positive side with your Grandma. Whatching my Grandfather pass was peaceful and beautiful. I am praying for you. Big hug!
Thursday at 3:34pm •
Virginia: It dosent sound strange to me at all watching someone prepare to go home and be with our lord has to be a beautiful thing when its the way its supposed to be ......
Thursday at 7:59pm •
ME: Thanks girls i am glad you know what i mean she has lived a full life and things seem to be going the way you would like it to go. ..calm peacefuness!!!
Thursday at 8:39pm •
Debbie: cherish every moment!
Friday at 6:08am •
Jadine: Momma and I played Stephen Tindle alot while I was holding my father's hand during his last days....the heavens do open and the spirits are all gathering--I, too, felt them....such a beautiful spiritual journey to walk on with your loved ones....Sending you all my love LaDawn....I know how you feel.....

Starving.... had two little mini dougnut, 8cherries and 3 bites of chicken today randy is bringing taco bell for dinner! !! I am Excited about that...
Thursday at 5:57pm via
ME: Oh and a ensure...
Thursday at 6:31pm •
Virginia: Have him bring some to me too !!
Thursday at 6:59pm •
ME: We have left overs i was so hungry i had him get 20 tacos,2 cheese rolls, those apple pie things i ended up eating 3 tacos and a apple pie thing lol

My grandma is settled in for the night with a big hug and kiss from me she is not verbal at all anymore and has no strenght to even move her arms, she did open her eyes and had a big smile this afternoon not at me but at the wall whatever made her smile like that i don't know but it made me feel good to see that...
Thursday at 10:20pm via Android • Privacy: • •
Jadine Dodson, Charlie Hickerson, Ken Shopken and 6 others like this.
Virginia Dorman Brenton Good for you .....congratulations.
Friday at 5:00am via Facebook Mobile •
JoAnna M. Gavlik When its my turn to go LaDawn I want to be in your care.. I bet your Grandma is feeling really blessed and peaceful..
Friday at 9:09am • • 1 person
LaDawn McCue Wilhelm Thanks joanna i will do my best but since i am older i may not stillbe around !!
Friday at 2:29pm •
JoAnna M. Gavlik Ha ha ha.. I know but I can only dream right?
3 hours ago •
LaDawn McCue Wilhelm ‎:-)

Going to add a taking care of someone thats dying and on hospice to my website i have looked for a hints and tips page myself but didn't find anything exactly what i was looking for...right now i am leaving my laptop with my grandma with pandora streaming music. ..the page will be a tribute to my grandma
Friday at 11:16am via Android • Privacy: • Like •

Virginia NICE....What a wonderful idea can u post/send the link when ur all done adding
Friday at 12:01pm via Facebook Mobile • Like
LaDawn I will share the link i am very excited to get started

Grandma is still hanging out we are surrounding her with love...she knows she is loved and we know she loves us! !!!
Friday at 10:10pm via Android • Privacy: • Like •
Grandma is still hanging out we are surrounding her with love...she knows she is loved and we know she loves us! !!!
Friday at 10:10pm via Android • Privacy: • Like •

Mindi it was nice seeing her and knowing she could hear me. i'm going to miss her :(
Friday at 10:11pm • Like
Heather Is she passing?? Im so sorry ladawn!!
Friday at 10:13pm • Like
Chris LaDawn Enjoy your time......God bless you and yours
Friday at 10:20pm • Like
Jacqui, Gil & I will keep you all in our prayers.
Friday at 10:20pm • Like
Denise Know this is a hard time for you so sorry ♥
Friday at 10:46pm • Like
Virginia Amen
Friday at 11:05pm via Facebook Mobile • Like
LaDawn : I will tell her billy
Friday at 11:05pm • Like
LaDawn : Ijust went in and told her for you billy...thanks everyone its like waiting for a baby to be born, but in the oppsite...

July 21
Yesterday at 9:50am • Like
Grandma is still with us.....not even wincing when we freshned up her bed, at least she is not feeling anything anymore...she is so sweet, hard to believe she was up wondering around the house last week...
Yesterday at 8:07am via Android • Privacy: • Like •
Denise : I am sorry Ladawn I know this is so hard emotionally for you. I am glad she is surrounded by family and lots of love. Her not feeling pain is wonderful. You have made her final hours ffilled with love . Couldnt ask for more. Hugs
Yesterday at 8:11am • Like
Michelle: Hang in there my friend, I belive she can still her you so keep letting her knowhow much you love her.
Yesterday at 8:25am • Like
Jadine : Sending you hugs......
Yesterday at 9:17am • Like
Patti : Is your mom there too? Thinking of you all, what a wonderful grand-daughter you are!!!
Yesterday at 9:29am • Like
LaDawn :We had planned on painting our nails last week didn't get a chance.... Well, i had a chance this morning, so now she has beautiful pink nails with cute pink bows and flowers :-)
Yesterday at 9:29am • Like • 3 people
Me: My mom stayed last night and two nights ago she just ran home to take a shower and pick two of my brother was here last night and is coming back this morning....thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers...
Yesterday at 9:36am • Like • 1 person

Grandma is still with us.....not even wincing when we freshned up her bed, at least she is not feeling anything anymore...she is so sweet, hard to believe she was up wondering around the house last week...
Yesterday at 8:07am via Android • Privacy: • Like •
Denise : I am sorry Ladawn I know this is so hard emotionally for you. I am glad she is surrounded by family and lots of love. Her not feeling pain is wonderful. You have made her final hours ffilled with love . Couldnt ask for more. Hugs
Yesterday at 8:11am • Like
Michelle: Hang in there my friend, I belive she can still her you so keep letting her knowhow much you love her.
Yesterday at 8:25am • Like
Jadine : Sending you hugs......
Yesterday at 9:17am • Like
Patti : Is your mom there too? Thinking of you all, what a wonderful grand-daughter you are!!!
Yesterday at 9:29am • Like
LaDawn McCue Wilhelm We had planned on painting our nails last week didn't get a chance.... Well, i had a chance this morning, so now she has beautiful pink nails with cute pink bows and flowers :-)
Yesterday at 9:29am • Like • 3 people
Me: My mom stayed last night and two nights ago she just ran home to take a shower and pick two of my brother was here last night and is coming back this morning....thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers...
Yesterday at 9:36am • Like • 1 person

Marie :I met her only once at a party and got to talk to her she is a very sweet lady. My Prayers going out to her it sounds like she is not having any pain that is good for her and you take care of yourself and stay well .
Yesterday at 10:10am • Like
Ken : My heart feels for you and your family at this time. My empathy, as one who knows the experience of eminent and eventual loss.. I was blessed to know both sets of my grand parents of whom were wonderful people. It felt as though a part of my heart died with them. They are still my life's mentors and I carry their dreams and wisdom within me.
Yesterday at 2:59pm • Like • 1 person
ME: Thank you marie and ken...she was so ready to go i am surprised she is holding on so long i guess the body is programed to survive no matter what we have all told her she is to not worry about us and go see the Lord and her family. ...
Yesterday at 10:03pm • Like
Mindi : i told her it was okay to go if she needed to, that we all understood. i'm going to miss her but she will be in a better place too.
21 hours ago • Unlike • 1 person

LaDawn McCue Wilhelm I do believe i look as exhaused as i feel. I even got a nap today...
Yesterday at 9:31pm • Like
LaDawn Its been eons since i have waxed my eyebrows ughhh....also stared a new lupus med the weekend before my grandma came and it makes me feel worse, i think...not taking it any more its a once a week thing...
Yesterday at 9:35pm • Like
Denise : Hope you start to feel better soon and that you get some rest. How is your grandma doing?
Yesterday at 9:41pm • Unlike • 1 person
Jadine : Hang in there hunny.....we are all here for you praying for you and your family.....and sending you our love!!!!
Yesterday at 9:45pm • Like • 2 people
LaDawn : She is still hanging on and has been feeling pain when we have to change her pad....hospice is a huge ducolax fan. ..Myself and i feel pretty safe in saying and my grandma are NOT. ..i will not give her that again! !!! I don't care if she is here a month those ducolax are awful! "!!
Yesterday at 9:51pm • Like
Jadine : Try singing to her and holding her hands when you need to freshen up the bed....also, with my dad, we would have to give him a dose of pain meds 20 minutes before and would give him a booster dose after we changed him......
23 hours ago • Unlike • 2 people
LaDawn : Oh the booster dose afterwards sounds like a great idea..thanks jadine we have been singing and andrew reading her bible verses..
22 hours ago • Like • 4 people
Janet : Hey Girkie! Whats happening? You never told me you had Lupis? You are such a good and kind person LaDawn! You need to take care of yourself first then you will feel good to take care of Grammy:} I Love you bunches!
19 hours ago • Like
LaDawn : It wasn't planned this was my grandma had just cime for a visit then had a small stroke that really knocked her on her butt she is in the process of passing away...
17 hours ago • Like
Janet : Oh wow! I am so sorry hun! Can I have your number so I can call and talk to you?
12 hours ago • Like

LaDawn :Is thinking i don't want to die of old age anymore,no i don't plan on doing myself in at any certian age but watching my grandma last so long is making me think assiseted suicide would be easier. .. While i don't think she is suffering i give her pain meds just in case and i don't want her to have withdrawls either... anyways... i want to go quicker when it is my poor grandma! !!!
17 hours ago via Android • Privacy: • Like •

Gifty :What a tough thing to have to realize. Such a hard thing to deal with. Hugs!
17 hours ago • Like
LaDawn : It dosen't seem to tough for me at this point isn't that sad...i don't think you can do assisted suicide just cause your old but you can if you have a horrible illness i don't want wish a horrible illness on myself what a deliema! !!!
17 hours ago • Like
Mindi : i think if i ever get to that point i would go with the assisted suicide just so i dont have to go through something like that. poor grandma :(
17 hours ago • Like
LaDawn : What on earth are you doing up so early or is it a late bedtime?
16 hours ago • Like
LaDawn : Oh and i am glad Oregon is a legal assisted suicide state i remember voting on it and at that time i had already watched people suffer to death from cancer and i voted yes people should be allowed to make thst choice
16 hours ago • Like • 3 people
Mindi : late bedtime, i'm having a hard time sleeping lately. i'm sure you understand.
16 hours ago • Like • 1 person
LaDawn : Yep i know for sure how that is...i won't call today so you can get some sleep just call me later when you wake up.k love you...
16 hours ago • Like • 1 person
Marie : I understand how you feel my Sister took care of our mom before she died it is so very hard to watch and not be able to do anything about it my heart aches for you and what you are going through right now .
14 hours ago • Like
Michelle: If you haven't already make sure all of you have let her know it is okay to go, sometimes I think they hold on because they feel everyone needs them. My Grandma did that.
14 hours ago • Like • 2 people
Charlie:Michelle has said what I have witnessed with both my Mom & a friend. Maybe if you reduced the pain meds slightly so your Mom is more alert, but not in pain. You could talk with her or just ask if she is tired, does she want to go be with the Lord or a member of the family that has past. And then tell her she can go, it OK, you & the family will miss seeing her but you'll be fine & so on.
13 hours ago • Like • 1 person
Jadine: Me and momma kept telling daddy the same thing....that it was okay to go...that we would miss him dearly but that everything would be okay....that we prayed he would go home to Jesus and his mom and dad.....
13 hours ago • Like • 1 person
LaDawn: She only had pain meds 4 - 6 times yesterday not emough th do this and make so unresponcve...we have all tolh her go go plese be with your family...i am trying to sing her into heaven now not so sure thats a good thing or bad thing if it works you all may wanna run if i start belting out a song in frount of you :-)
11 hours ago • Like
LaDawn She has been ready to go for months :-(

Mindi it was nice seeing her and knowing she could hear me. i'm going to miss her :(
Friday at 10:11pm • Like
Heather Is she passing?? Im so sorry ladawn!!
Friday at 10:13pm • Like
Chris LaDawn Enjoy your time......God bless you and yours
Friday at 10:20pm • Like
Jacqui, Gil & I will keep you all in our prayers.
Friday at 10:20pm • Like
Denise Know this is a hard time for you so sorry ♥
Friday at 10:46pm • Like
Virginia Amen
Friday at 11:05pm via Facebook Mobile • Like

Thanks jadine she is doing the same i just told randy that it feel odd to have it feel normal to have a dying person in the house....i love taking care of her it just wierd that its the knew normal...the bereavement couseler is coming wednesdsy to talk with the boys i really don't know what rylan thinks he dosen't say to much when i try to explain whats happening

Andrea: Your all our in our prayers

JoAnna :
I've been gone camping this weekend so I haven't been able to hear how your Grandma was doing.. How are you holding up?
2 hours ago • Like • • See Friendship

LaDawn : I think you can get all my updates if you check my wall grandma is still holding on and i am doing ok i wish she would pass she has been unresponcive for the most part since thursday maybe wednesday. ...
about an hour ago • Like
LaDawn : Thank you for checking in on me :-)

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