Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Grandma Passed last wednesday..

Today is,well would of been Billys 35th birthday still wierd that he is gone ...My Grandma passed away last wednesday ..the hospice nurse came at about noon and said she couldn't even get a blood pressure my Mom got here about 1 pm and then my Grandma took her last breath at 2:46pm both my Mom and I were with her when she passed...we were telling her we loved her and how proud her Mom and Dad were going to be when they got to see her. Wow, I just can't believe how hard it was to see her go downhill so quickly. I will blog about it soon, but right now I am still just trying to recover phycicaly and get my house in some kind of order and need to take the boys out to do something fun ..The breavement counseler will be coming tomarrow..... I may just call and cancel because the kids and I seem to be doing ok ...I was a bit worried about how Rylan would deal with it at his age, but he is used to death I guess.. we have always went to the cemetery since soon after he was born so for him its just a normal part of life.... in a way I think its good, but in a way it makes me sad that its so normal for him ....oh well, just wanted to update so anybody who reads my blog knows that I havn't fallen off the face of the earth ...

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