Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trying to get back to normal here..

and I want to start blogging more often FB is getting alot of my updates cause its so quick and easy ...but that dosen't do much for my future generation for whom I am keeping this blog for so I am going to really try to make a post a day even if its just short ..Did I teel you how aewsome my books I had printed turned out well they did turn out great and I cannot wait to get this largest blog printed its going to be about $150 bucks and since our car just broke down ina big way its going to have to wait a bit longer to get printed ..would you like to see the pictures from our little vacation that our car decieded to break down on well even if you didn't you know I wpould post them anyways ...then off to try and get my house in some kind of order I am doing just a little each day its so overwhelming ..Soon as Latasha has her baby boy it will help cause then this baby stuff will be going to live at her house :-)
OK pictures here they are in no paticular order

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