Sunday, September 18, 2011

The way i feel...

People like to think they are better than others..nicer cars, nicer homes, nicer clothes....I say what ever just because someone has better things does NOT mean they are a better person ....Lots of BETTER people are nothing more that selfish jerks ...that's how I am feeling about people right now ...I have nice things and I hope that people don't think that kind of thing about me...I try to be helpful when I can ..I try to not see just whats on the outside,  but whats inside...I strive daily to be a kind commpassionte person ...I have come to realize that most people are interested about whats in something for themselves..why am I having these feelings I don't know ...its late I had a sick puky boy this past week I spent 2 hours in walmart I guess I am just tired goodnight :-*

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