Saturday, October 22, 2011

So far, so good..

My new way of eating has been going pretty good ..I am feeling a bit more clear headed..That is a really good thing since I have to go see a psychiatrist next week ughhh ...
I went and had a barium swallow yesterday and my esophagus is closing up again.. so I will also be going to the gastro doc I will be seeing the NP because my gastro doc is booked out till December OMG !!!!! She is the one that was sooo convinced that I was just eating too much and need to exercise to lose weight.I know I posted about her on here somewhere. Anyways, I wonder if she will remember me ? probably not.. I also wonder what she is going to have to say about my esophagus now !!!
I need to get better this is getting very old... poor Rylan I feel so bad so many things I want to do with him and for him but I don't have the energy to even leave the house most of the time... We are going to be going out for a fun time tomorrow though..

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