Thursday, October 20, 2011

Saliva test done

Spit jars with my spit cotton swabs that sucked every bit of moisture out of my mouth every 4 or so hours yesterday

I spent yesterday watching the clock for spit times and making sure I didn't eat at a inappropiate time before my spit test ..seems so easy but twas a long day.
I was up early and up late not like thats anything new..just waited to take my sleeping pill till after my last spit test at 10:30 pm the vial said midnight but the paper said anytime between 10 p,m and midnight and since I had been up since 3 am the night before I wanted to try and get some sleep since Rylan fell asleep on the chair at like 6pm ..of course I woke again at 3:45 am last nigh "ughh" I took a xanaxx went back to bed at 6:30 am then was up with Rylan at 8am..Just a couple of weeks and I will know what to do vitamin wise to fix me or thyroid wise..

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