Friday, October 28, 2011

So I get a letter from my primary doctor about my barium swallow from the 21 and it says everything is fine just mild esophageal muscle contractions and there is nothing to do about it....
When I was doing the test the barium was stuck in my esophagus in the laydown position and the Radiologist Doctor *not the tech* said "wow look at that, its not going down that's not normal" and had me even look at it... I didn't even stay in the xray type machine until it did go down so how can they say how mild it was..I left went to rite aid and it was still sitting in my throat 5 minutes later.. I could feel it ..I can't hardly swallow my medicine and water is not going down easily either ...I went to the gastro and seen the NP yesterday she didn't have my results but scheduled me for a endoscopy for the 16th she did remember me and could not believe how much problems I had with my esophagus since she blew me off last time I wonder when she sees this test results if she or my gastro doc are going to think I am exaggerating or worse lying..well I am not doing either I want to make that clear right here right now ..I am getting to the end of my rope here ..I am so hopeful my thyroid test will come back showing thyroid problems I am so tired of being sick and having doctors look at me like I am a idiot..I know what and how I feel and its not normal !!!!

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