Thursday, November 3, 2011

Adrenal Saliva Test Results and More

Received my results from my saliva testing at the natural-path doc ...My cortisol levels as you can see begin in the morning not even in the normal shaded part of the graph, No wonder I feel so lazy, tired and uninterested in anything..... other than things I have to do in order to get by everyday and I totally suck at those things .... I am completely and udderly exhausted all day/ all night....... along with the awful insomnia I suffer its a wonder to me I am even still kicking I honestly feel that bad !!!

From my blood test my vitamin D is critically low 24 for a person with autoimmune issues it should be at the very least 60 ..I am also very low on sodium, so I am to use extra salt ~ good salt ~ not plain old table salt....... we have been using the Mediterranean salt from Costco.. One of my friends the one who kept on encouraging me to go see the natural-path doc told me of a favorite salt she likes of course I can't remember what she called it LOL Who would of imagined there are different salts like that, not me that's for sure ..

My progesterone in the low end of normal at 24 ...22 is the bottom of the chart

My ESR has come down from 22 to 16 but my doc said ideal for me would be under 3 this is the test that tells how much you hurt~ I am not really sure how it does that ...

I have high normal white blood count as I usually do....... she is sure it because my body is fighting something, maybe the gluten that I also learned I am allergic to.... I misplaced my paper that has my gluten numbers on it, I will add the numbers when I find the paper and get a chance to ..My doc said I should not even let gluten/wheat touch anything I will be eating~ it is poison to me ..Her theory is that when foods are genetically modified some of our bodies know it and fight off the modifications as if its a invader in our bodies..

I still don't have the results of all my thyroid tests back yet and I see her again in 2 weeks to see if the herbs and vitamins are helping me feel better.... The one she may change if I am not feeling any better is the progenalon and change me to hydrocortazone ...I asked her if this could be the reason I feel so good and normal on prednisone and she said yes definitely, because that is a steroid and cortisol is a steroid our bodies make my body has just stopped making enough of it , due to stress or what ever my adrenals did all they could do then they just pretty much gave up its called adrenal fatigue... here is a link to a page I found yesterday that explains what it feels like pretty cl Adrenal Fatigue

Oh and I am on COD LIVER OIL ...yuck yuck yuck I hate fish and to have to ingest the liver of a fish completely grosses me out but if it makes me feel better I do it !!! I am also on high doses of vitamin D and some other herb type things nothing as gross as the cod liver oil though !!!!!!!

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