Saturday, December 31, 2011


i am re posting this because i noticed it didn't publish back in september when i wrote it ...not sure why ..anyways it was a awful horrible night one i hope to never repete...since this i went in and had my esophagus stretched and i have been able to at least vomit up small amounts of liquid and it has made my last vomit episode not as bad at least didn't need to be taken to the hospital...anyways here is a short version of the awful night I was taken by ambulance to the hospital with severe nausea and horrible stomach cramps ..from about 6:30 pm untill 3:30 am I was in horrible pains and thought I may actually die from the pain..they gave me tons of adivan and zofran some reglan and lord only knows what else...well I didn't die I stayed in the hospital till Wednesday and then came Randy is severely sick with whatever I had and what Rylan had last week...they can vomit and that makes a huge difference when your sick...

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