Saturday, December 17, 2011

Things are good

Been a while since I posted ...Things are good I am feeling better Andrew is feeling better ...I have been busy trying to get things house in order after being sick almost bedbound for the past 3 years in order.......You have no idea how much stuff I still need to get accomplished, to have my home the way I like to have my home ... Along with going out and doing things with the kids and Randy ..This is the first Christmas I have felt good and able to even be in the spirit..Christmas cards have been bought, but not even one has been filled out or mailed off.. So that is lacking, but like I say 'I have been getting so much more accomplished,'its not been something I have been able to get done.... I feel so bad about that ..So many people that I love and want to write letters too :-( I feel really bad about that..... maybe I will be able to get some done on monday **I hope** ... I am down to 170 lbs as of this morning .. Randy says ""I am getting so skinny"" I am noticing that along with losing weight I am gaining wrinkles !!!! I asked Randy this morning "do you want skinny and wrinkle free? or chubby and no wrinkles?" he said "he loves me either way" I said "that was a perfect answer" hehehehe.... ok so I feel better now that I have at least maked a post... I am keeping it short for now,The pics above are from the fun day we had today.. I told the kids to get up get showered and dressed because I had a surprise for them. We went to a activity we have in our town called 'Christmas on Mars' we had never been there before and it was AWESOME the kids loved it, I loved it and Randy loved it ..Andrews Dad John just happened to be driving down the road and seen us crossing the street, so he pulled over and joined us for the day... what a extra nice surprise for Andrew :-)

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