Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My baby is 5 years old

Oh my, how time flys ...We went to lunch at Si Casas and then went shopping at costco I told Rylan he could pick a toy but they didn't have any toys other than a sand bucket that he got last time we were there so we bought a book with a pen that reads the stuff to you its a britancinca book and there are actually 3 books in the package we had fun with them last night one is about dinasours another about fish and one more I can't remember LOL..we bought a giant chocolate cake and Joanie gave us some angel light candles that the flams glow for it she went with us yesterday too ...I know my Mom wanted to come too but my Grandma is not feeling good and hospice and a nurse were coming out to the house to get her signed up :-( ...
while at costco we bought all kinds of easy foods and snacks for our camping weekend and Rylans party on Sunday ...I am praying for no rain !!!
so night before last Rylan decied to sleep like a horsey sleeps ..I said ok and off to sleep I went and left him standing there ..well when Randy got up Rylan was sleeping in the middle of the bedroom and he got stepped on LOL not very hard though ..Randy picked Rylan up and put him in bed with me and later when he called at lunch Rylan didn't even know he had been stepped on ...
Last week I took Andrew to the ear docs and they sucked a huge piece of ear wax out of his left ear Andrew says his ear if feeling much better now and he can hear better.. I am going ot have his hearing rtested soon just to make sure cause he talks really loud...ok signing off for now Rylan wants to watch some natzi zombie nerf gun youtube videos ...Oh and I had my other tow blogs printed into books and they turned out beautiful I am getting this one printed up soon too ..I learned that the tinypic pictures that have been changed into others pictures do not print when the books are printed What a relief :-) Later !!!

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