Sunday, June 5, 2011

Another Dental Crown

Had a toothache on my bottom right molor on a tooth thats cracked and I also told my last dentist it was cracked and I couldn't tell if my pain was from it or on top ..thats the reason I have my back molor on top pulled becasue of pain I could not pinpoint even though I told my dentist about the crack and its not like it was a liitle crack Randy and I could clearly see it without glasses or magnifiying glass or anything it was huge ... My last dentist said he didn't think that was a problem ughhh yes I am not making this up ...he also said my crown he did were not to high um yes they were I have had them reajusted and they are feeling much better ...I am not psyco my new dentist listens to my issues and actually believes me ..I seen him last week to get one of the high crowns ground down some he listened and did it ..Today before my appointemnt his office called and was questioning me about why I was coming back so soon ..I assured them it was a diffrent tooth and I needed it after I got off the phone and my heart just sank I though OMG they already think I am wacko :-( I almost didn't want to go ... But I did and the dentist said I had the best (Whitest, best taken care of)looking teeth he had seen in the week since I had been there and it was apleasure working in my mouth LOL he didn't mean it in wierd way he was just really nice .. I told him what was going on and he seen the crack and said "yes I can understand how it can feel that way, the way the pain comes and goes and how it feels,I think you might be able to get by with a crown" and he did my crown prep and seen that the crack went clear below the gum he is pretty sure he got to the bottom of it now I have one of the best feeling temp crowns I have ever had .. I am still have cold sentitivity on the top and I will go back in so he can address that pain soon ... I am so thankful today for all of Doctors who listen to me these days ...

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