Thursday, June 2, 2011


How many of us wish that our pain physicial or emotional could be viewed with special glasses....its so hard when you look beautiful, such as myself hehehehe..
But the truth is, on the inside you really feel old and crippled ...why would God make us this way ?? just me questioning the universe once again !!!
I just don't understand how some people have things sio smooth and easy they feel good they are not overweight thay can make beautiful things in so many ways..They can shop, They can clean house feed the kids good healty meals along with all the schooling they need in oreder to skip a few grades ...They get up in the morning a want to take a shower and smile and greet the day with enthusiasum ...I used to be that person 27 years ago I hurt in everyplace a body can hurt if it can phyically hurt, it does, if it can emotonally hurt, it does....I love life I want to do so many things... I want to feel better, be better.... do the things that I see come so easily for others... I am not feeling sorry for myself..... I just accept that I have neither the energy or stamina to start....hopefully soon as our flooors are in I will not be so stressed about it and after my things are in their place fungswayed it will help my chee LOL...I am very lucky I have a awsome family who loves me and wants good things for me...My Mom has to be one of the most caring and loving Moms a person can have she is Rylans Happy Gammy and he is totally in loive with her ...At my niece Allyssa bday party a month ago Skyler couldn't wait for his friend to meet his Grandma because she is the nicest Grandma in the world...we have a very close and loving family and I am very blessed to have all of them I justy wish I could get better so I could be out there in the middle of thing and be of some help instead of sitting along the sidelines home too sick, too frail and lazy to help any of them ...

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