Saturday, October 15, 2011

Butrans Patch

so the patches are ok I am still taking ibruprofin and they are really not doing much for my energy level oh well I am gettin a few more things done anyways..
I made a appointment with a naturapahic doc my insurance covers it an d I also found through a friend of mine a place that I can get my thyriod checked without a prescription you can not believe how hard it is to get a doc to write a prescription to get a few mor thyroid levels checked my God you would think I am asking them to empty their bank accounts and give me all their damn money ...
I also called to ask for the results from all the blood I had taken when I first seen my rhumey doc so hoping to get that in a few days
Also got a list of chyropractors so I will see one of them too the last experiance with one was not good so this is very scary for me but I am 100% sure I am not a nut case well at least anymore that naybody else is and I don't want to just have a label put on me and some kind of mind altering drugs then sent on my way...
How many times have I said "I KNOW THEIR IS SOMETHING WRONG AND THE DOCS ARE JUST NOT FINDING IT" I am sure its been quite often ...
so I just keep trudging down this long lonely road of feeling like shit most of the time ...
My teeth are feeling better since my new dentist did listen to me I think I am going to have to get the bad gold crown from the bad dentist fixed before the new year it has been giving me small toothaches now and then ..
Lets see what else Rylan LOVES school I hope he dosen't have many more sick days
Oh and his sleep schedule is right on track he falls asleep at 8 or 9 on school nights and gets up at 6 am on school days of course I get him dressed and he sleeps in the car till his bus comes :-) on the weekends he is up at or before 8am so YAY me good job some people had concerns but it has all worked out well...
If anyone reads this to catch up on my life and I havn't emailed you personaly its because my health is getting worse and I use the energy I have to take care of the family and get to doctor appointments ..

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