Thursday, October 6, 2011

A new Medicine

Seen the Rhumey yesterday he was not to please with me having to take 8 loratabs a day verses the 4 I am supposed to take but was very nice about it and I told him I also knew it wasn't good but I just cannot take the pain I am in its so debilitating ..we had a really nice visit and he prescribed a pain patch called Butrans Its a patch you leave on for a week at a time I put the first one on at about 3pm yesterday and it seems to be working OMG my pain went from about a level 6-7 down to a manageable 2 that I took a couple of ibruprophins to combat to make the pain about a level 1 ..I read that it can take a while for it to really start working like 2 days so I have high hopes that I will feel better tomorrow..
He said he thinks my lupus is just subcutaneous limeted to my face rash so I will stay on the plaqinel...Please let this be a answer for my pain I am just to the point that I cannot do anything even sleep with the amount of pain I have ..
He is also referring me to a psychiatrist to see if I have ptst or something he said that my pain is fybromyagia and there must be a reason that I am having it so badly like stress..I stressed to him that I don't really have that stressful of a life I mean yeah I have had some bad shit tossed my direction but on a daily basics I do not I have a nice home, enough money to survive pretty good husband who works very hard for us and is not out running around, a good family so I don't know and if that's what it takes to get me better again then I am willing to go. He did offer pain management first but thought that the woman he is sending me to would be very good and will be able to prescribe medication so that I can sleep I think that is part of my problem I am not getting enough rest 4-5 hours a night just is not cutting it for me and the ambiens are just not working for me to sleep all night...
Randy and Rylan are still pretty sick took Rylan back to the docs yesterday and he is doing a 2 day steroid burst cause his breathing was so awful sounding night before last very croupy sounding ..last night was much better...

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