Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A nature doc added to the mix today

I went to the naturalpaths today she is checking my Free T3 and my reverse 3T and CBC and some other stuff and I am doing the cotisol saliva test tomarrow I have my little spit sponges all ready to go...... also going to take my temp each morning I have been running at above 99 and I am not sick other than my everyday 'complaining self' ...she did the light in my eyes and my pupils do not stay constricted like they are supposed to and my tongue is lumpy on the sides, thats a sign of food allergies ..
I will go back in 2 and a half weeks for my test results..... she was also concerned because the WBC from my test results I had last year were all so high, she said looks like something is going on somewhere ..OMG please let this be my answer !!!!!! anything is better than not knowing what in the heck is wrong ...
I am to go sugar free,gluten free, egg free and dairy free for 4 weeks to see if that gives me some improvements boy o boy thats going to be hard, but if I could go through what I did last year with my esophagus.. I can do this diet for 4 weeks at least to see if it helps me feel better..I am planning on Randy and Andrew going to see her too...... Randy already takes thyroid meds and Andrews tongue and pupils are doing the same as mine ...I really hope I am to the bottom of my heath issues for once and for all...... she did say that if this is it .it will take a while to get me feeling good again..... I have been thinking alot about how long I have not felt good and it has been for 20 years pretty much right after we moved to the house on E street, wow... its just gotten a little worse each day ..lets cross our fingers it don't take 20 years to start feeling good ... I would like to have a normal life back ...Randy and the kids would probably be shocked if I went 2 whole days without saying I am tired or my back hurts or my shoulder hurts or my feet hurt, my tummy aches and said I felt great LOL...
so today I have eaten Chicken and grapes I might try the granola cereal and almond milk for my bed time snack...no more coco pebbles for me sniff,sniff..

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