Monday, October 3, 2011

Not a good Month

***EDIT  I believe we had been suffering from Toxic black mold  I found out in Feb 2016 ****

             Jesus I am so tired of being sick..Rylans 2nd day of school he spent vomiting.. then a few days later I spent 2 nights in the hospitial Rylans vomit bug and I cannot vomit due to my surgery for my acid reflux ..had to be taken by ambulance that was not fun the guy couldn't understand while I kept dry heaving and told me to stop doing it ughh I still need to call and compain about that well I spent from 4 in th afternoon till 4 in the morning dry heaving it was awful I felt as if I was going to die before the ambulance got here I took 3 zofran randy raced off to the pharmacy and got me a scrip my NP called for phenagren suppositorierys and I put two of those in and then had randy call the ambulance they gave me I don't even know how much zofran reglan and adivan they gave me I just know I spent the night yelling and sure something in me had burst,split or disinagrated then after I got out Rylan got a cold and then Randy finally after 3 weeks they both went to the docs today they have sinus infections hopefully they will be feeling good soon ...I ran out of my pain meds and my doc won't refill them so I am back to being in pain constantly my house is a mess I am having trouble sleeping and am not keeping my CPAP on at night my ambien looks diffrent than it used to so maybe its just not working as well I don't know what the hell is up but I am not getting better always tired always in pain worried my doc will think I am just drug searching well I guess I kind of am because I am in pain always with out the meds at least this time I am not having the awful withdrawls just feel like I am back to square depressing I am on cymbalta and will be asking to be weaned off its not helping with the pain and its very expencive and starting in January I will have to pay full price which I believe is $170 a month till our deductiable is met which I woundn't mind paying for if I felt it was actually doing something but I have been on it long enough that I can tell its not or at least I will get on something cheaper for my mental health which I feel is just getting worse because my physical health is just getting worse or at least not getting any better every medicine is a wait for a few months to see if it works waiting game and I am just so sick of it ...well we shall see what happens wednesday ........

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